'We aim for a calm and caring, purposeful environment where all members of
the community can achieve their potential.
- teaching and learning doc





Since September 2007 all staff have worked relentlessly to set up a range of after school activities for our children.

We aim to provide a wealth of enrichment activities to further develop a broad curriculum and ensure all children are stimulated and challenged.

We currently run 19 after school clubs including QPR football, violin, French, Art and sewing.

We have a range of free and fee paying clubs. The clubs are paid for on a termly basis.

Clubs Timetable
Click here for lastest clubs timetable









Robinsfield Infant School, Ordnance Hill, London NW8 6PX.
Tel: (020) 7641 5019/13 Fax: (020) 7641 5035 email: office.robinsfield.westminster@lgfl.net

copyright 2008