'We aim for a calm and caring, purposeful environment where all members of
the community can achieve their potential.
- teaching and learning doc


Year 2B



Curriculum for Year 2
In Year 2 our children are taught following the National Curriculum. The Curriculum subjects are:
• English
• Maths
• Science
• Design and technology
• Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
• History
• Geography
• Art and design
• Music
• Physical education

We also are required to teach religious education, although parents have the right to withdraw children for all or part of the religious education curriculum. In addition, we teach personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship.

In Year 2 we aim to develop children’s interest through planning stimulating and creative project work which is linked to other areas of the curriculum. We also plan topics around transition to ensure our children and families are prepared for the move to Junior school.

Currently in Year 2C
The children in Y2C have been learning about the Amazon Rainforest in geography. Using the internet and e books, children researched all the different animal and wrote riddles about them. Can you guess who is looking through the binoculars? They made 3D sculptures of boats in art using boxes and modroc. They wrote poems about stars in literacy using their imagination to think of similes.



Year 2C


Robinsfield Infant School, Ordnance Hill, London NW8 6PX.
Tel: (020) 7641 5019/13 Fax: (020) 7641 5035 email: office.robinsfield.westminster@lgfl.net

copyright 2008